Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Spring Jam.. where you get MUDDY!
We left the Foley Fairgrounds and headed south.. towards the Welcome Centre on hwy 69/ 400 and the Seguin trail. We had many different options for trails and level of difficulty.. so don't worry if it's your first time on the trails.. there will be something for you!!! Steve , our guide didn't waste anytime in getting us muddy and wet.. about 5 minutes into the ride... a long puddle was waiting for us... it didn't look too bad .. until you got INTO it , and I mean INTO it.. feet up!!! the mud/ water reached up and over the seat for most of us.. Poor Vern in the Razor... he was wet and we had hours to go.. but that's the name of the game right.? the muddier, the wetter.. the better the ride? Steve took us on trails that were easy, muddy and some pretty challenging.. did i mention mud and water??? I think steve was trying to see how muddy he could get us!!! I was really lucky to be on the Can Am Outlander Max.. nice soft ride and had all the bells and whistles.. well except something to dry me off with! The crew and I had a fantastic time.. thanks so much to all that helped on this event! now back to rocky crest to dry off !
Spring Jam 2009
altho we didn't win the big prize for the poker run.. we did have a great time and were able to see a lot of Parry Sound. But the big draw for friday was the Rumble Ride.. This week end we decided to bring our families to experience Spring jam with us! The Rumble ride is sanctioned under different insurance so we are able to ride UTV's and have passengers... a perfect time to bring along to kids for a ride! My son Kaeden wasn't going to let me get away without putting him in the razor with me.. so after 4 men and 20 minutes later his car seat was strapped in and we were ready to go!
It was really a neat experience being one of over 250 participants on the ride into town... Oastler park drive and Bowes St. in Parry Sound had volunteers and Police waving us through all the lights.. and lots of people were out waving and watching as we rumbled on by